
Modernity, Architecture & the Environment (mae) is a companion journal to the theory course of the same name, taught by Bárbara Maçães Costa at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). The course and journal focus on environmental aesthetics in architecture, from the beginning of modernism (around 1848) to postmodernity, with a particular interest in the postwar contextualism debate. Every year, around springtime, a collection of student essays centred on a specific architecture project is published, along with an editorial addressing broader theoretical debates. mae is bilingual, with texts published in English or French. Bárbara M. Costa manages all web production and editing. For citation purposes, please refer to the PDF links.

MAE is open-access, non-commercial and non-peer-reviewed, serving purely educational purposes. 
The original material appearing in mae is published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International). The writers and editor have been careful to credit all sources of the illustrations. If you claim ownership of any of the items and/or spot a crediting mistake, please get in touch. mae uses the typefaces Helvetica Neue and William/Adobe Caslon. ISSN number coming soon.

Bárbara Maçães Costa

Course poster 2024.
Course poster 2023 .
Course poster 2022.